Environment Education and Conservation

Environment Education and Conservation

It's great to hear that ELFA International has taken such a comprehensive approach towards addressing environmental degradation and saving Dal Lake, which is a significant landmark in Srinagar city. By involving multiple stakeholders such as government departments, non-government organizations, schools, institutions, and activists, ELFA International has created a platform for various perspectives to come together and identify the critical issues that need to be addressed. It's also commendable that the organization has organized workshops and cleaning drives to raise awareness and actively address environmental degradation.


Additionally, planting trees in different districts involving various stakeholders is a significant step towards restoring the ecosystem's balance. The involvement of activists, students, and local community members in these initiatives helps create a sense of ownership and responsibility towards protecting the environment.


Overall, ELFA International's efforts towards environmental conservation are commendable, and it's heartening to see that the organization is taking such a holistic approach towards addressing the issue. Such initiatives can go a long way in creating a sustainable future for the region and setting an example for others to follow.

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