Nawab Mehran Khan is a renowned International Humanitarian Activist and a Development Practitioner, he has worked with different International organizations like HELP AGE, AGA KHAN FOUNDATION, MERCY CORPS, CHILDLINE INDIA and HANDICAP INTERNATIONAL on different roles ranging from COMPLIANCE MANAGER, PROJECT MANAGER TO EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR in different parts of the world and has trained teams of different organizations in India and abroad. Mr Khan has implemented projects on ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, YOUTH LEADERSHIP, JUVENILE JUSTICE, DISABILITY RIGHTS, WOMEN EMPOWERMENT and CONVENTIONAL WEAPONS RISK REDUCTION (CWRR) globally and has worked with different donors like European Commission, ECHO, USAID, AKDN, Scottish Government and British High Commission etc. Mr Khan has organized many International programs/conferences and has also delivered lectures at many National and International platforms & Universities including, some Universities of United States of America, University of Bangkok, University of Nepal, Tata Institute of Social Sciences – TISS (Mumbia), Delhi University and all Universities of Jammu & Kashmir. Mr Khan has been awarded with several National and International Awards including International Noble Citizen Award 2020, Best Youth South Asia Award and Best India Volunteer Jury Award etc.
Mr. Khan in 2016 established an International Non-Profit Organization namely ELFA International, organisation has multiple offices in Jammu & Kashmir and United States of America.