Ramzaan Program & Relief Distributions

Ramzaan Program & Relief Distributions

Ramzaan Program & Relief Distributions

  • Date: 23 Mar 2023
  • Emergency Humanitarian Response

ELFA International distributed family ration packets consisting 18 items to 50 poorest families in Fakir Gujri, Kupwara and Srinagar. On 5th August, 2019 the government of India abrogated article 370 and 35A which led to complete shut down in the valley of Kashmir, ELFA International coordinated the relief distribution of family/emergency ration supplies to more than 500 families in district Kupwara, Bandipora and Srinagar in association with a Karnataka based NGO AWWA, the emergency relief was much needed during the situation, the poorest areas like Fakir Gujri, downtown Srinagar, Sumbal, muqam Dolipora and Sogam were selected for the distribution of the emergency rations packs, people from at least 60 villages were selected after the proper screening and verification.